when i was in peru this past summer, abby, bri and i decided to visit a shaman one afternoon after our volunteer projects. we'd heard rumors about a shaman named don martin, who resided in huasao, about a half hour outside the city of cuzco. apparently this guy was the real deal; he gave medical advice and performed healing, he could tell you strengths and flaws in your relationships,
instantly knew if you were a virgin, and like most shamans, read your future. we embarked on this little journey with a hand drawn map and some coins for the combi ride to the countryside. when we arrived, we wandered the ghost town of huasao and finally found a little shack with a line of locals standing outside, and chickens running everywhere. we felt a little out of place - we didn't need medical assistance like these other people, we were just a couple of american girls wanting to know who we were going to marry. after waiting for what seemed close to 2 hours, it was finally my turn. i walked into the hut to see this old man behind a table of coca leaves with candles lit all around him. he asked me to blow on the coca leaves, asked me my name, and where i was from. when i told him the "estados unidos" he looked disgusted and pointed to the door, telling my friends and i were unwelcome.
today, i googled his name and came up with this:
Don Martin Pinedo Acuna ("the condor") was born and raised in Paruro. He was the apprentice of the famous Don Benito Corihuaman. After Don Benito's death, Don Martin inherited his mesa and his knowledge. He lives in the village of Huasao, Peru where he heals people every day. He is the keeper of the sacred Apu (mountain) named Pachatusan ("where the Earth dances"), the main Apu of the city of Cuzco. His special gift comes through the eyes, wings and energy of the Condor. His work with seeing the future, with healing stones, the Earth-honoring ceremony (Despacho), and flute-playing is legendary and not to be missed.

as abby said, "i feel jipped"
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