to SLOW DOWN and to PAY ATTENTION: the ultimate to do on my to do list. just. do. nothing. the past few days have been a whirlwind, working non stop in the daytime, climbing/jumping over garden walls to escape the police men at night...(i could give you details but the sequence of events that happened that night are becoming fuzzy in my memory and are seeming more and more like a really funny, strange dream). all of this work and excitement and straight up strangeness has got me so tired i am delirious.
and so, these next 5 days of no work and no school will be cherished beyond belief. i want to work in the soil, touch fabric, sit and drink tea and do nothing but notice the magic of the newly blossomed life around me.
"the aspect of things that are most important for us are hidden because of their simplicity and familiarity. (One is unable to notice something because it is always before ones eyes). " -
ludwig wittengestein

-words of wisdom from keri smith
enjoy your time off