on a whim last weekend i decided to paint my room this lovely shade of "native pottery". finished it in a night with the help of erik (he actually did most of the work). a sunday morning regular at work said that there's a german phrase that means "change the wallpaper." take it literally or metaphorically, change is so uplifting. my native pottery walls practically ooze inspiration and motivation to me every morning.
before i start sounding like the barack obama campaign let me leave you with this:
"unconsciously i had assumed that creativeness was solely the prerogative of certain professionals. but then expectations were broken up by various of my subjects. for instance, one woman, uneducated, poor, a full-time housewife and mother, did none of these conventionally creative things and yet was a marvelous cook, mother, wife, and homemaker. with little money, she was in all these areas original, novel, ingenious, unexpected, inventive. i just had to call her creative. i learned from her and others like her that a first-rate soup is more creative than a second-rate painting, and that generally, cooking or parenthood or making a home could be creative while poetry need not be; it could be uncreative." - corita kent
its so beautiful!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteIt's weird you know. I was just randomally looking at blogs, and yours caught my eye. It's weird because, i've been seeing corita kent references everywhere i look. thank you.